Supplies List

Cubism Period: Containers of Color (Acrylic Painting)

Purchase Supplies

Art Supplies

Household Items

Supplies Notes


Canvas – You can use any size you like. Sharon uses a 9″x12″.

Acrylics – Get any colors you like. Sharon uses White, Yellow, Pink/magenta, Aqua, Ultramarine Blue, Black and Orange.

Palette – If you don’t want to buy a palette you could always use something hard and smooth like a plate or a tile.

One Student Two Students Three Students Four Students Five Students Six Students Special Instructions
Acrylic Paints 1 each color 1 each color 1 each color 1 each color 1 each color 2 each color Either get two or get the larger size paint. Most come in 4 oz. and offer larger sizes. It is almost always less expensive to get a larger size than to get two containers. 
Canvas (2pk) 1 1 2 2 3 3
Brushes 1 of each 2 of each 3 of each 4 of each 5 of each 6 of each