Supplies List

Lessons in Wood Burning: Majestic Moose

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Supplies Notes


Plywood: Sharon uses 12″x16″ in the video.

Wood Burner:

A note about wood burning supplies:
Creating a Masterpiece realizes that the initial cost of this supply list might seem a bit pricey for you. We are committed to recommending products that allow students the greatest opportunity to experience the most enjoyment and least amount of frustration, while also providing the best opportunity to achieve what Sharon is training them to achieve. In that spirit she strongly recommends these supplies.To aid in deferring these costs and increase the use of these supplies, we have developed a series of three wood burning projects. The supply lists are identical for each project, with the exception of the board you will need. The board you will purchase may be cut to the appropriate sizes. Having a good wood burner makes a huge difference in the outcome of the project. Sharon’s students often use this particular wood burner in her class and then end up purchasing it for themselves. You can go to any store (Home Depot, Lowes, Menards, etc.) and purchase any piece of quality plywood. The wood just needs to be flat, very smooth, and not have major blemishes that would make it hard to burn on.

Sharon now recommends the LH30 Woodburning kit (The Colwood we used to recommend has been discontinued).


One Student Two Students Three Students Four Students Five Students Six Students Special Instructions
Piece of wood 1 per student 1 per student 1 per student 1 per student 1 per student 1 per student
Wood Burner 1 1 1 1 1 1
Item3 1 1 1 1 1 1