Supplies List

Lesson in Ink: Russian Egg

Purchase Supplies

Art Supplies

Household Items

Supplies Notes


Wooden Eggs – Sometimes Blick is out of stock, in which case almost any 2″ wooden egg will do. Here is a link to a set of 8 on Amazon. Click Here

Old Brushes – You will need an old brush or two for each student. These can be any brush. Sharon uses watercolor brushes.

One Student Two Students Three Students Four Students Five Students Six Students Special Instructions
Wooden Egg 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 egg per student. Eggs come in a 12 pack from Blick. 
Inktense Blocks 1 1 1 2 2 2 Break each color into three pieces.
Golden Pen 1 2 3 4 5 6 Students can share to reduce cost.
Watercolor Brushes 1 of each 2 of each 3 of each 4 of each 5 of each 6 of each Students can share to reduce cost.