Supplies List

Lessons in Acrylic: Poppies

Purchase Supplies

Art Supplies

Household Items

Supplies Notes

Notes:  See Sharon’s specific recommendations by clicking on the purchase supply button even if you want to purchase supplies at other stores.

All brushes should be hard bristle.

One Student Two Students Three Students Four Students Five Students Six Students Special Instructions
Acrylic Colors 1 each color 1 each color 1 each color 1 each color 1 each color, 2 of White 1 each color, 2 of White
Acrylic Brushes 1 of each 2 of each 3 of each 4 of each 5 of each 6 of each
Canvas 1 1 2 2 3 3
Charcoal Stick 1 1 1 1 1 1  One container of charcoal as many pieces.